Business of Yoga: Foundations
6.5 Hour Course
Crystallize your teaching mission and identify your ideal student
Describe three avenues of prosperity that appeal to you and their corresponding financial possibilities
Create a visual representation of your brand (colors, fonts, and graphics) that expresses your unique teaching style and voice to others
Write a professional teacher bio that represents your teaching unique voice and appeals to your ideal student
Identify opportunities in your network to develop professionally and identify strategies for career resilience
Describe the importance of liability insurance, waivers, invoicing, and tax awareness to your career as a professional yogi
Identify your appropriate marketing channels and describe three best practices for working with social media
Create a broad life vision as well as immediate actionable next steps for thriving in your yoga career
Get personalized feedback from Rachel in a 30 minute coaching session
About This Course
FREE PREVIEWLearning Objectives
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About Rachel
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Legal Agreement
Module Overview
What is a Mission Statement?
Your Ideal Student
Your Unique Gifts
Activity: Mission Statement
Mission Statement: Final Notes
Module Conclusion
Module Overview
Best Practices for New Teachers
Demystifying the Yoga Career
Module Conclusion
Module Overview
Money, Money, Money
Avenues of Prosperity
Venues for Teaching
Yoga Studios & Pay Expectations
Teaching Online
Yoga Privates
Retreats, Workshops, and Yoga Teacher Trainings
Make a Budget
Module Conclusion
Module Overview
The Professional Yogi
Paperwork ~ Legal
Taxes & Expenses
Professional Organizations
Continuing Education
Module Conclusion
Module Overview
Your Brand
Your Brand: Keywords
Your Brand: Visuals
Your Brand: Translating Your Visuals
Your Brand: Bio
Module Conclusion