Integral Anatomy for Yogis
Course 8: The Nerve Tree
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Describe the physical as well as functional structure of the Nerve Tree
List the properties and potentials of the Nerve Tree
Draw a stick figure structure of a neuron, including the nucleus, axons, and dendrites
Describe the general difference in governance between the parasympathetic, sympathetic and enteric aspects of the nervous system
Describe the quality and movement potentials of the nerve tree's relationship to the structures around it
Identify the brachial, lumbar, and sacral plexi; identify the vagus nerve
Describe the benefits of the Relaxation Response,
Describe the correlation between the Nerve Tree and the Subtle Body systems of yoga
About This Course
Course Materials
Module Overview
The Nerve Tree: What is it (overview)?
The Nerve Tree: What is it (physically)?
The Nerve Tree: Structural Elements
The Nerve Tree: Structure of a Neuron
The Nerve Tree: Functional Branches
The Nerve Tree: Movement Properties
The Nerve Tree: Relationships
The Nerve Tree: Famous Branches
Introducing the Vagus Nerve
Module Summary
Module Overview
Yoga and the Subtle Body
Application to Practice: Relaxation Response
Application to Practice: Asana
Application to Practice: Awareness Meditation
Module Summary
Module Overview
Nerve Tree: Your Relationship
Nerve Tree: Health
Module Summary
Final Review Quiz
Nerve Tree: Additional Resources
Course Conclusion