Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the structure of the Heart Tree and Heart Center,

  • List the properties and potentials of the Heart Tree and the Heart Center,

  • Describe blood’s capacity for communication and transportation,

  • Explain why the heart is not simply a pump, but a center where the blood refreshes its movement,

  • Identify the heart’s relationships to its surrounding structures, such as the diaphragm, thymus, spine, liver, and lungs,

  • Describe the purpose and structure of the lymphatic system,

  • Describe the contraindications and benefits of working with inversions in yoga for the fluid systems of your body,

  • Describe three ways in which you may support the health of your heart center as well as the fluid systems of your body,

  • Describe your quality of your own relationship to your Whole Heart and Heart Center.

Course Curriculum

    1. About This Course

    2. Course Materials

    3. Q&A

    1. Module Overview

    2. The Whole Heart: What is it?

    3. The Whole Heart: Structural Elements

    4. The Whole Heart: Properties & Potentials

    5. The Whole Heart: Blood

    6. The Whole Heart: Blood Circulation

    7. The Whole Heart: Relationships

    8. Review

    9. Module Summary

    1. Module Overview

    2. The Heart Center: What is it?

    3. The Heart Center: What is it (physically)?

    4. The Heart Center: Structure

    5. The Heart Center: Relationships

    6. The Heart Center: Movement Properties

    7. Review

    8. Heart: Additional Resources

    9. Module Summary

    1. Module Overview

    2. Applications to Practice

    3. Meditation: Heart Awareness

    4. Review

    5. Module Summary

    1. Module Overview

    2. The Whole Heart: Your Relationship

    3. The Whole Heart: Health

    4. Module Summary

    1. Module Overview

    2. Fluid Types

    3. Overview of the Lymphatic System

    4. The Waterways: Application to Practice

    5. Review

    6. Module Summary

About this course

  • 38 lessons