How to Plan A Yoga Retreat
8.5 Hour Course
3 hours of curriculum + 5 hour project + 30 minutes of personalized feedback = total 8.5 hours.
Describe the benefits of offering a retreat
Describe five different retreat options and styles
Create a realistic retreat budget with projected financial revenue and expenses; identify best practices with deadlines, contracts, and cancellation policies
Describe three ways you may effectively market your retreat for success and craft an evocative 200-300 word marketing description
Describe a realistic view of the work, time, and attention necessary to run a retreat
Create a weekly content and class plan for a typical retreat format
Develop and present a proposal for working with selected retreat center, including general information, budget, amenities, deadlines, and an assessment of retreat viability
Gain confidence your ability to plan and run a successful retreat!.
Get personalized feedback from Rachel in a 30-minute coaching session
About This Course
FREE PREVIEWLearning Objectives
FREE PREVIEWCourse Materials
Technical Requirements & Support
Legal Agreement
Module Overview
Benefits of Retreats
Types of Retreats
The Urban Retreat
The Weekend Retreat
In-House Instructor
Run Your Own Big Retreat
Module Conclusion
Module Overview
Blue Sky
Your Retreat Content
Ideal Location
Ideal Time
Retreat Center & Questionnaire
Budgeting Your Retreat
Adding Another Teacher
Roles & Responsibilities
Module Conclusion
Module Overview
Module Conclusion
Coaching Call
Next Steps
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