Excellence in Yoga Education

Save hours of time and effort by purchasing this robust, comprehensive 200-hour yoga teacher training student manual.

This robust manual is a comprehensive resource for teacher trainings. Use it out of the box or as a foundation to adapt and edit. Based on over 4,000 classroom hours leading teacher trainings, combined with robust academic strategies learned as a professional instructional designer. The 2020 version is also available in French, Spanish, and German.

What's Included

  • Details for Each Pose

    Includes: pose name, translation and pronunciation (if relevant), purpose, key points, prop options, cautions, pose variations, and cuing tips

  • Visually Rich Asana Guide

    An asana guide details the foundation, risks, actions, alignment, and cuing for more than 80 postures.

  • Aligned with the new US Yoga Alliance Standards

    This manual has been used in more than 100 successful Yoga Alliance registrations.

Purchase Note

While I welcome you to edit and brand the materials, the copyright for all original materials remains with me: I retain the sole right to sell or license these materials. All graphic references should remain in place to adhere to copyright standards. For the full program, check out my "Buy A Training."

Pricing Options


"Professional, detailed, and thoughtful."

Kanami Anderson, Japan

"I feel beyond grateful to have been able to teach a course as professional, detailed, and thoughtful as this. Seriously, it was the most incredible experience, and I can't wait to do it again."

Why You're in Good Hands

Meet Rachel!

Instructional Designer & Educator Rachel Scott

Rachel helps yoga teachers and studios around the world create transformational education experiences so that they can thrive in their business, share their passion, and inspire more people to practice yoga. Her extensive knowledge and experience include earning two master’s degrees, authoring five books, leading over twenty 200-hour teacher trainings, building a teacher training department for a national yoga studio, and working in yoga studio management for more than fifteen years. She combines her extensive practical experience with her academic expertise (Masters in Instructional Systems and Learning Technology) to help yoga teachers and studios develop quality, transformational in-person and online educational programs. As a yoga expert, has written for periodicals such as Yoga International and the Huffington Post, made guest appearances on CTV, Breakfast Television, and numerous podcasts, and presented at venues such as Wanderlust and the Omega Institute. She exuberantly shares her knowledge and skills through coaching, her blog, YouTube channel, and free online classes. Find her at rachelyoga.com or on social media at rachelscottyoga.


  • Can I edit the material?

    Absolutely! The materials are provided in Google Slides and Google Docs. Copy into your own Google Drive or download it to edit and make it your own.

  • How does the copyright work?

    All original copyright stays with me. You have permission to use and edit these materials for your own educational programs. The limitation on use is that you can't re-sell them or transfer their use to someone else.

  • What do I need to present these lessons?

    All anatomy lessons contain a visually rich presentation, so you will need a projector and computer to teach. I recommend a skeleton, though it's not required.

  • Do I get materials immediately?

    Because I want you to have my most recent and update files, I will personally email you the links to your lesson plans within 48 hours of your purchase.