All Professional Essentials Lessons
Estimated teaching time: 40 hours
Save time and teach with confidence with this comprehensive bundle.
By the end of these lessons, your students will be able to:
Describe key teaching and cueing concepts in your own words (general form, space/stability, direct language, linking language, inclusion, etc.)
See their students from an individual and inclusive perspective
Describe key simple and balanced actions that can be cued universally in all poses
Use direct language to cue yoga poses effectively from the ground up
Use simple and paired muscular actions to enliven the expression of the pose
Use supportive cues to stabilize risk factors and transitions
Use expressive cuing (actions, root-rebound) to deepen the experience of the pose
Offer students effective and supportive verbal assists
Accurately cue the breath to support the experience and biomechanics of the postures
Create an hour long vinyasa or hatha style class using peak pose sequencing guidelines
as well as...
Properly pace the four parts of class to create a well-rounded class experience in the hatha and vinyasa style
Articulate their yoga teaching mission and have a practical game plan for beginning their career.
Click on each lesson for more detail
12 hours. Guided and detailed lesson plans to teach your students the art of smart and safe cuing. Step-by-step guidance to teaching excellence.
23 hours. Guided lesson plans that teach your students to craft smart, safe sequences in the peak pose sequencing style.
90 minutes. Learn the theory and craft of demonstrating yoga postures effectively when teaching.
1 hour. Introduce your students to the theory, skills, and technical requirements of teaching online yoga effectively.
1.5 hours. Students how to use classroom elements (props, lights, sound) to support the teaching environment.
2 hours. The foundation of good business practices: teaching opportunities, insurance and liability, continuing education, and more.
2 hours. Build upon your Mission Statement to cultivate your authentic brand identity, keywords, bio, and more.
Regular price
Monthly Payment Plan
Meet Rachel!
Absolutely! The materials are provided in Google Slides and Google Docs. Copy into your own Google Drive or download it to edit and make it your own.
All original copyright stays with me. You have permission to use and edit these materials for your own educational programs. The limitation on use is that you can't re-sell them or transfer their use to someone else.
All anatomy lessons contain a visually rich presentation, so you will need a projector and computer to teach. I recommend a skeleton, though it's not required.
Because I want you to have my most recent and update files, I will personally email you the links to your lesson plans within 48 hours of your purchase.