All Techniques, Training & Practice Lessons
Estimated teaching time: 45 hours
Save time and teach with confidence with this comprehensive bundle.
By the end of this 45 hours, your students will be able to:
Describe and demonstrate key alignment points, modifications, propping, and action for key yoga poses from your 200 hour yoga teacher training
Lead fellow students effectively through several meditation styles
Lead fellow students through a full, complete breath, kapalabhati, viloma, and nadi shodhana pranayama
Describe key resources and references for the historical context of pranayama and meditation
Describe the seven primary chakras and identify each’s associated element
Describe each layer of the koshas model and its governance
Click on each lesson for more detail
23 hours. 15 guided asana practices specifically designed for yoga teacher trainings in the peak pose sequencing style. Includes sequences and tips for teaching.
9 hours. Nine guided asana labs help your students identify common risk factors, misalignments, actions, props, modifications and more for different families of postures.
30 minutes. Students learn the role that asana has played (and hasn't played) throughout for the last two thousand years in the yoga tradition.
6 hours. Four guided lessons help students learn to practice and teach foundational pranayama techniques such as full, complete breath, counted breath, ujjayi, and nadi shodhana pranayama.
4 hours. Three guided lessons for teaching students to practice and teach foundational meditation techniques.
90 minutes. A visual magic carpet ride through the chakras! Students will learn the names, placements, yantras, and bija mantras for the conventional 7-chakra system.
1 hour. A visual magic carpet ride through the koshas! Students will learn about this ancient model for describing and exploring the human experience.
200 + pages, detailed guide to more than 80 postures. Includes photos, risks, benefits, modifications, props, key cues.
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Meet Rachel!
Absolutely! The materials are provided in Google Slides and Google Docs. Copy into your own Google Drive or download it to edit and make it your own.
All original copyright stays with me. You have permission to use and edit these materials for your own educational programs. The limitation on use is that you can't re-sell them or transfer their use to someone else.
All anatomy lessons contain a visually rich presentation, so you will need a projector and computer to teach. I recommend a skeleton, though it's not required.
Because I want you to have my most recent and update files, I will personally email you the links to your lesson plans within 48 hours of your purchase.