Historical Context of Asana
Course30 minutes. Students learn the role that asana has played (and hasn't played) throughout for the last two thousand years in the yoga tradition.
How to Practice & Teach Pranayama
Course6 hours. Four guided lessons help students learn to practice and teach foundational pranayama techniques such as full, complete breath, counted breath, ujjayi, and nadi shodhana pranayama.
How to Practice and Teach Meditation
Course4 hours. Three guided lessons for teaching students to practice and teach foundational meditation techniques.
Introduction to the Chakras
Course90 minutes. A visual magic carpet ride through the chakras! Students will learn the names, placements, yantras, and bija mantras for the conventional 7-chakra system.
Introduction to the Koshas
Course1 hour. A visual magic carpet ride through the koshas! Students will learn about this ancient model for describing and exploring the human experience.
History of Yoga
Course2 hours. A visual magic carpet ride through the key eras of yoga history! Students will learn key dates, texts, and explore how concepts from yoga history have influenced practice today.