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Save time and teach with confidence with professional lesson plans for yoga teacher trainings.
Work smart. Not hard.
Meet the Cadillac of Teacher Trainings
2 hours. Explore the structure and function of bones, joint types and movement, the implications of human variation, and how to apply this understanding the practice and teaching of asana.
1 hour. Set a holistic foundation for your anatomy program with "Introduction for Integral Anatomy." Sets a profound and integrative container for the your YTT anatomical studies.
1.5 hours. Learn the universal language for discussing anatomy and movement! Students will learn how to accurately describe movement in the three planes using anatomical language.
1.5 hours. Dive into the wonderful world of fascia! Students learn about the types of connective (fascia, tendons, ligaments, perifascia) and their roles in facilitating stability and movement.
2.5 hours. Everything you need to teach "Overview of Muscles" in your own yoga teacher training, including muscle structure, types of activation and foundations of movement.
2.5 hours. Understanding the hip is essential for understanding movement. Students will learn about the boney structure and musculature of this important joint and apply this understanding to yoga asana.
2.5 hours. Understanding shoulder mechanics is critical for a safe yoga practice. Students will learn the structure and musculature of the shoulder area and apply this understanding to yoga asana such as plank and chaturanga.
2.75 hours. Students will learn about the boney and myofascial structures of the knee and apply an understanding of risk factors to the safe practice of complex asana like pigeon pose and hanumanasana.
2 hours. Breath is life! This engaging and experiential lesson helps students to understand breath mechanics and apply this knowledge to pranayama and asana.
1.75 hours. Students will learn about the musculature and structure of the core and deep pelvis and explore their roles in supporting the functional practice of asana.
1.75 hours. The spine is the superhighway for our nervous system and our central axis for movement. Students learn about its structure and movement and apply this knowledge to the safe practice of asana (particularly backbends).
2.5 hours. Our foundation affects everything above. In this lesson, students will learn about the complex boney and muscular structure of the feet and apply this understanding to functional movement and asana.
2.5 hours. Our hands are an essential foundation for weight bearing in yoga. In this lessons, students learn about boney and musculature structure and apply this understanding to safe yoga practice and teaching.
1 hour. Take a magic carpet ride through the remarkable and mysterious organs of the body. Students will gain an overview of the systems of the body and being to apply this understanding to asana.
1.5 hours. Regulating the nervous system is the secret magic of the yoga practice. Introduce students to the structure and function of the nervous system as well as its application to asana and meditation.
1.25 hours. Learn how our "inner waterways" are impacted in the yoga practice! Students will explore the cardiovascular and lymphatic system and apply this understanding to asana (specifically inversions).
2 hours. Empower your students to safely support prenatal students in their group classes. Your students will learn about typical physiological changes of pregnancy and apply this understanding sensibly to the safe modification of yoga.
2.5 hours. Empower your students to support students with chronic injuries in their group classes through common sense adaptations for the yoga practice.
2 hours. A visual magic carpet ride through the key eras of yoga history! Students will learn key dates, texts, and explore how concepts from yoga history have influenced practice today.
8.75 hours. Everything you need to teach "Patanjali's Yoga Sutra." Explore key verses and apply concepts to real life. A robust and engaging 6-part exploration into one of yoga's seminal texts.
7.5 hours. Everything you need to teach "The Bhagavad Gita." Historical context, key verses and engaging discussions to bring this beautiful text to life.
1 hour. A visually rich introduction to Ayurveda for your teacher training. Students will learn about ayurveda's origins, the doshas, and guidelines for lifestyle.
1 hour. Everything you need to teach "What is Yoga?", a two-part inquiry into each student's definition of yoga. Framed with historical definitions of yoga for context.
6.5 hours. Explore key concepts essential for navigating the ethics of yoga teaching, such as transference, power differentials, boundaries, equity, and inclusion. Apply yoga philosophy to tackle thorny issues.
30 min. Everything you need to teach "Qualities of a Teacher", a personal exploration to step into the seat of a teacher.
1 hour. Help students clarify their unique core motivation for teaching, identify their ideal student, and articulate their teaching mission statement.
30 minutes. Students learn the role that asana has played (and hasn't played) throughout for the last two thousand years in the yoga tradition.
23 hours. 15 guided asana practices specifically designed for yoga teacher trainings in the peak pose sequencing style. Includes sequences and tips for teaching.
9 hours. Nine guided asana labs help your students identify common risk factors, misalignments, actions, props, modifications and more for different families of postures.
6 hours. Four guided lessons help students learn to practice and teach foundational pranayama techniques such as full, complete breath, counted breath, ujjayi, and nadi shodhana pranayama.
4 hours. Three guided lessons for teaching students to practice and teach foundational meditation techniques.
90 minutes. A visual magic carpet ride through the chakras! Students will learn the names, placements, yantras, and bija mantras for the conventional 7-chakra system.
1 hour. A visual magic carpet ride through the koshas! Students will learn about this ancient model for describing and exploring the human experience.
12 hours. Guided and detailed lesson plans to teach your students the art of smart and safe cuing. Step-by-step guidance to teaching excellence.
23 hours. Guided lesson plans that teach your students to craft smart, safe sequences in the peak pose sequencing style.
90 minutes. Learn the theory and craft of demonstrating yoga postures effectively when teaching.
2 hours. The foundation of good business practices: teaching opportunities, insurance and liability, continuing education, and more.
2 hours. Build upon your Mission Statement to cultivate your authentic brand identity, keywords, bio, and more.
1 hour. Introduce your students to the theory, skills, and technical requirements of teaching online yoga effectively.
1.5 hours. Students how to use classroom elements (props, lights, sound) to support the teaching environment.
1.5 hours. Students will articulate their teaching mission, unique gifts, and five keywords for their professional work. Designed for a 300-hour.
2 hours. In this lesson plan, students gain a foundation for good business practices as a yoga entrepreneur.
2.5 hours. In this lesson plan, students build on their mission and begin to develop a brand their reflects their authentic teaching voice.
6.5 contact hours; 4 non-contact (total 10.5 hours). Dive deep into the skills and planning needed to create an international retreat.
3.5 hours. In this lesson plan, students learn how to conceive and develop a clear plan for their workshop, as well as navigate pricing and logistics.
5 contact hours; 4 non-contact (total 9 hours). Dive deep into the skills and tech needed to teach online livestream and prerecorded classes effectively.
6.75 hours. Step-by-step guidance to help students learn to give safe, effective, and appropriate hands on assists.
7.25 hours. Everything you need to introduce students to the key concepts of the Upanishads. Explore key verses and apply concepts to real life. A robust and engaging 5-part exploration of these seminal texts.
4.5 hours. Teach students to integrate philosophy into their teaching and sequencing through this clear step-by-step process.
1 hour. This lesson supports trainees to enter the teaching space with confident body language, vocal clarity, and presence.